
It has been one week since I have posted on the blog, and the reason for that is..nothing new to report. I get up every morning, have a shake, gag a little and do it all over again at the next meal. In essence, lather, rinse and repeat.

I did have an appointment with pre-op and with my doctor on Tuesday. The pre-op was talking to a nurse, who promptly told me how much it was going to hurt and to not be shy about asking for drugs. She was funny. Also, I have now lost 36 lbs! WHOOT! WHOOT! At least all this starving has been for something!

The lobby at my doctor’s office was filled with people in various stages of pre-surgery and post-surgery. We all commiserated about the liquid diet before surgery and how that brought out the beast in all of us. But the ones who had lived through it and were on the other side, assured us prebies that it will get better. It was the first time I had been in a doctor’s office when everyone had a conversation with one another. That was great!

My doctor finally told me that my liver was fine. It may have just a small bit of fat, but otherwise normal. Thank God for that! Everything is on track for my surgery and in SIX short days, the deed will be done! I am excited! Nervous. But excited!

As supportive as the people were in my doctor’s office, it doesn’t compare to how supportive my husband, son and family have been, as well as the people who read and follow this blog. Thank you for that. You just don’t know how much I appreciate it.

Until next time friends.

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